
In Example01 (the page you are seeing now), the animation is implemented by JavaScript using GSAP.

TweenLite has onComplete property, where release should be called.

import TweenLite, {Power3} from 'gsap'
import TimelineLite from 'gsap/TimelineLite'

export const enterAnimation = ({release}) => {
  const inner = document.querySelector('.example01__inner')
  const cover = document.querySelector('.example01__cover')
  const itemArr = Array.from(cover.querySelectorAll('.example01__cover__item'))

  new TimelineLite()
    .to(cover, .8, {
      opacity: '1'
    .to(inner, 0, {
      opacity: 1,
      onComplete: () => {
        itemArr.forEach((item, index) => {
          TweenLite.to(item, 1, {
            ease: Power3.easeInOut,
            x: '100%',
            delay: index * 0.05,
            onComplete: () => {
              if (index + 1 === itemArr.length) {
                cover.style.display = 'none'
                release() // This will be called when the animation ends

export const leaveAnimation = ({release}) => {
  const inner = document.querySelector('.example01__inner')
  TweenLite.to(inner, .3, {
    opacity: 0,
    onComplete: () => {
      release() // This will be called when the animation ends

There is nothing special in the Example01 component, except for using useTransition. (The below is not full code.)

import React from 'react'
import {enterAnimation, leaveAnimation} from './animation_example01'
import {useTransition} from 'react-queue-router'

const Example01 = () => {
  useTransition(enterAnimation, leaveAnimation)
  return (
    <div className='example01'>
      <div className='example01__inner'>
        {/* content */}
      <div className='example01__cover'>
        <span className='example01__cover__item'/>
        <span className='example01__cover__item'><span>Example01</span></span>
        <span className='example01__cover__item'><span>Example01</span></span>
        <span className='example01__cover__item'/>

export default Example01